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My Blog

  • Angel333:Short and sweet, I am Angel333, of which pop games took from me. But OK, i will regain. Carole FRench
    Comments[0] 1/1/2017 1:46:47 AM
  • Angel333:I'm seeing the light, everyone...if I do, since I was upper middle class, people will be on the rise, and overcome the slump.
    Comments[0] 11/5/2014 8:29:27 PM
  • Angel333:Paid Jonesboro Police $300.00. Paid $255.00 to Craighead County. As of February 20 I have $14.00 in bank, and begging from church (which are
    Comments[0] 2/22/2014 5:42:16 AM
  • Angel333:I Predict a very beautiful Spring. But we will have cold before then. Keep warm, and hopefully have another to keep warm with you. Happy NY!
    Comments[0] 12/31/2013 8:13:50 PM
  • Angel333:December 1, 2013 By Carole French Smoking The thing with me and smoking is this; I like to smoke. That抯 it. When I was a kid, I watched
    Comments[0] 12/1/2013 8:48:22 PM
My Message
Angel333Message: 7/23/2015 12:52:35 PMReply
better late than never
Angel333Message: 7/23/2015 12:52:10 PMReply
Angel333Message: 7/19/2015 8:53:39 PMReply
Well...Miss Luna didn't like hearing the truth, and banned me from forum. Tell me is popgames as fun now as was before she came? Just sayin...
heleboyMessage: 6/18/2015 3:21:50 PMReply
lovely pic ,carole
Angel3337/19/2015 8:54:28 PM
Reply@heleboy:Awe ty sweetie
heleboyMessage: 5/28/2015 2:59:35 PMReply
you are a fighter ,I am so proud of you
Angel3336/13/2015 3:36:43 AM
Reply@heleboy:Kind of shows in the timeline how much I have healed. Thank you.
Angel333Message: 11/21/2014 1:45:38 PMReply
I give up
apachiMessage: 11/9/2014 9:02:42 PMReply
hehe what u say
apachiMessage: 11/9/2014 9:02:39 PMReply
hehe what u say
Black10Message: 8/7/2014 10:02:07 PMReply
Eae Let's play
GOD OF WAR 2Message: 11/30/2013 9:46:34 AMReply
nice smile :)) kisss my friend
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